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Cramer says one thing, Feltus another.

Update at end of post


This is biblical, Luke 16:10-14. If you can’t trust a bloke with small things then you can’t trust him with big things.

A fob pocket is a small thing, this is common knowledge, the fob pocket containing the Tamam Shud slip was also a small thing, this is also common knowledge but here we have the Rotarian (aka Cramer) trying to sell us his version of SM’s fob pocket.

Cramer would have us believe it was a ‘SECRET’ fob pocket because describing it as such adds allure to his grand theory about the Somerton Man.  Problem though is he’s wrong and he knows it and the fact that he perseveres with the deliberate mistruth puts him squarely in Luke’s sights.

Nobody knows more about the Somerton Body Case than Gerry Feltus. He also knew about the fob pocket … I can quote him as follows

The fob pocket on the inside of the waist band of trousers (where the slip was found) was very common in that period.’

Common is not secret.


And while we’re on the job we should mention that the code wasn’t found to be indented on the back cover, that’s another small thing Cramer has deliberately got wrong time and time again, probably because it segues neatly into his micro-code theory where in fact and as described in the previous post, the code was written in faint pencil. Feltus again.

Faint Pencil = No indentations (especially when written on the back cover of a book)

And of course it’s worth remembering that only a few days ago Cramer radically changed his position on the relationship between Boxall, Harkness and the Rubaiyat she gifted him: they weren’t exchanging secret  information at all, it was just a training manual.

There we have it .. Three strikes.

But wait, there’s MORE

Today, in Cramer’s new post he writes ‘her (Harkness’) phone number on the back of a copy of the Rubaiyat came to the attention of SA police. Detective Brown, as he was at the time, said he saw her number on the back of the book in ‘really tiny lettering.’
Once again, he’s attempting to lay a patchwork of false leads in the hope they will support his overarching theory of a micro code written within the original code.


Cramer claims that a phone number is hidden in that (arrowed) smudge.

Feltus however writes that ‘Leane soon noticed what appeared to be a telephone number written in pencil on the rear cover of the book.’

Who do you believe? Cramer or Feltus?

Cramer also boasts of working with SAPOL on the identification of the Somerton Man … perhaps they should be warned.

2 Comments Post a comment
  1. The problem we have here is that Gerry Feltus’ book “ The Unknown Man” is both out of print and unavailable in softcover and as an E-Book .. this suits Gordon Cramer in that any newcomer to the subject has nowhere else to go but believe that what Cramer writes is the truth .. except here.

    I have the book. And having it would warn those who don’t that they are being fooled. Cramer is untrustworthy when it comes to the truth, his interest is purely in maintaining his reputation, one that is falsely earned.. and as long as he posts his mistruths I will pursue him .. He’s my rabbit, I’m his fox.


    June 24, 2024
    • Dan Dangler #

      He must have one hell of a good eyesight because I can’t see the hidden number, I tried 3 methods and I still can’t make nothing of it!!So I’m guessing there is nothing of note.


      June 25, 2024

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