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Some truths about ‘The Rotarian’.

Cramer comments today that me being an old man has affected my judgement, then he makes the claim that I turn out misleading stories about him and his blog, he suggests this is evidence that I might be suffering from a mental illness and recommends I sign up for the appropriate treatment, then he wishes me well. Needless to say, one of his nameless sycophants chimed in with a similar, though wordy and misspelt view which nevertheless is in full agreement.  I suspect Cramer is salting his own mine here, if you know what I mean. Where is the integrity in this game?

Let me ask you Gordon, as you claim to be a proud Rotarian …

1) Is what you have written the truth?

2) Is what you have written fair to all concerned?

3) Is what you have written likely to build goodwill and a better friendship?

4)  Is what you have written likely to be beneficial to all concerned?


or no?

Some years ago Cramer accused me publicly of stalking his family. He accused me of threatening to shoot him.

Check above 1 to 4.

For years he has been promoting the line that Harkness and Boxall were engaged in a covert partnership and were exchanging secret information by means of micro-writing.

Now he has radically changed his mind (read below). I feel I may be responsible for such a shift from a decade+ position.

Cramer too has flooded the internet with manipulated images of the Rubaiyat code and the Boxall Rubaiyat inscription etc, tarting them up so they appear to contain secret micro-code. As per below.

Laughable, as nobody else has ever been able to confirm such claims. Check with Nick Pelling on this as he’s no mug in the coding game.

My suggestion to you Gordon, is that you avail yourself of a little psychiatric help, you are undeniably delusional.

read on ….

Alf Boxall and Jessica Harkness weren’t trading secrets, Paul Lawson was wrong, everyone was wrong and you want to know why? Because the world’s best Somerton Man blogger, Gordon Cramer has just said so, this despite him having had a contrary view for what, ten years and hundreds of blog posts on his most trusted and evidence-based website.

Now we know what all that coding on the Boxall Rubaiyat and inscription was all about, it was a Training Manual, says Cramer, most probably Jessica’s as she gifted it to Boxall just prior his posting north, and with such a lovely boozy nights inscription. Imagine old Alf and young Jess in the same coding class somewhere, being taught complex coding by someone. Sitting side by side for the lessons then off to the pub for a few short snorts.

We’re very happy he’s cleared that up, all we need now is some evidence to back up this brand-new theory of his, and good luck with that. There is one more thing Cramer has kindly cleared up; the PC Moss newspaper interview where he is quoted as saying there were no matches found on the body. It’s all BS says Cramer, newspapers? Who believes anything they print, especially The Truth. Ironic, ain’t it?

A Cramer manipulation

3 Comments Post a comment
  1. Clive #

    Apart from a couple of pub visits, to the Clifton Gardens Hotel, per GF, where is the evidence that Jessie & Alf actually did anything with any edition of the ROK? Paul Lawson was wrong? pity he’s no longer around to answer but, very convenient.


    June 19, 2024
  2. There isn’t any, there never was any … and Cramer has been manipulating images for years (see pic)


    June 19, 2024
    • Barry H. #

      Wow! I kinda knew some of the pictures weren’t kosher! What kind of expert photoshops picture to prove a silly point? He never answered me on what the code meant? I guess he dismisses me as an amateur!


      June 20, 2024

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