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What spies do ..

Reading a book by Mick Herron, writer of the Slough House series and he’s written something here in his latest book that might indicate how an Intelligence mole might operate and be exposed in the doing.



We have a Russian who’s a high echelon operator and who also happens to be in the employ of the Americans  .. Ivan.

Ivan also meets some of MI5’s spooks from time to time for the purposes of selling high-grade, bona fide information about this or that.

Ivan’s info threads its way up the MI5 chain of command, until it hits the desk of the Russian mole.

Some time later the Russians shut down the compromised operation and stick a few bods into a Lubyanka cellar for some harsh treatment.

The Americans are informed of this (Ivan again) and immediately decide to cut off all Intelligence ties with the UK.

It’s like following deliberately placed information and watching it as you do an iodine trail moving through water, waiting for it to harbour en route then timing that stasis to a subsequent action that defines both the identity and purpose of that particular harbourmaster.


You know it makes sense.

16 Comments Post a comment
  1. Supplement MI6 for MI5 and you’re on the money. But they were both hiding from CIA Massachusetts Office.


    June 2, 2024
  2. Clive #

    I wonder if the SM was trying to contact/pass information to Jessie when he was silenced before he could do so?


    June 2, 2024
  3. No. 1 #

    We’re all on the same page

    Somerton man was a spy


    June 3, 2024
  4. Clive #

    My father-in-law died in October 2023 and, we’re still awaiting the coroner’s outcome. So, hopefully, some time in the next century an outcome may result.


    June 4, 2024
  5. Josephat J.Litz #

    I think SM was set up, by his “employers”, it just seems like the perfect hit, Nobody involved got hurt, it went down easy and simple, Give your Guy a task to complete, Neutralize him when he’s at the ace of spades, and all hands are whiter than snow.


    June 7, 2024
  6. No. 1 #

    Either betrayed his post or was an imposter and taken out

    That’s how I’ve always read it


    June 7, 2024
  7. Clive #

    Perhaps a double agent, playing both sides against each other?


    June 7, 2024
    • J.V.M #

      I wonder who was he after, that led to his demise? Or was it the Soviets or The Allies that Neutralize him?


      June 9, 2024
  8. Clive #

    Don’t know why but, my money is on the Allies


    June 10, 2024
  9. Allies who found him to be on the other side, and convinced the local lads to support their position, and kill him.


    June 10, 2024
  10. Clive #

    Woomera in the background, spy chiefs visiting Australia. A traitor/spy identified in their midst, wouldn’t take much after a nod from Canberra to do what had to be done.


    June 11, 2024

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