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It’s over, isn’t it?

Fitzpatrick and Abbott have won. Everyone is dropping off the blogs.  Remember dude47? Gone.  Pelling hasn’t written a post for months, Cramer though fights on, the doughty Welshman he is, add to that I have massive appreciation to the sounds of a Welsh choir in general. Sanders follows Morgan around like pet kitten, Morgan himself has theories that remind me of my private thoughts whilst adrift sleeping on a flea infested straw pallet in a cheap room in Tangiers after a hashish buying spree in the local souk, me being then a devout follower of Kerouac, Ginsberg and William S Burroughs  ..

Now we have the infuriating vagaries of subjective theory versa the objective truth of this infernal mystery .. This,  we are not equipped to deal with it.

Hopefully the SA Coroner can  …

Header pic is of me and the then titular head of ASIO .. please be modest in your publication of this image as our lives could be in danger.

And yes, that package George Clooney is grasping is an immoderate pay-off for letting certain substances to be free of inspection from those who care to do so.



8 Comments Post a comment
  1. No. 1 #

    No they haven’t won

    You don’t win by default in this


    June 1, 2024
  2. Clive #

    I thought it wasn’t over until the fat lady sings?


    June 1, 2024
  3. davidmorgan20uni #

    You should have a Swift ‘arf…

    Just a matter of time until it all swiftly fits into place.

    LSM is science.

    Diana = Dorothy.

    JS = Carl Webb (or vice versa..)

    The picture of Webb playing football was put in the newspaper just 2 months before the affidavit was in the courts in 1951 with the Swift verse below it. My guess would be by Fred Aldridge who worked with him all those years. He had sketched him probably 100 times in his head.

    You could argue just a lot of coincidences – but it just needs the one fact/ date/friend they mention in all those SNP articles to be exclusive to Carl Webb AND Dorothy and verifiable as such. He only has to make one mistake in 8 years.

    Like he says Diana has Scottish ancestry and they attend lots of kilt and Scottish dancing events which was pursued extensively by CM. Yet genealogy seems to suggest Irish. Was he lying or was Dorothy telling him this stuff?

    Swift’s successful column was due to playing-off against Diana and he wanted it to end Dec 1941. Just after he marries Dorothy for real.

    Dorothy says he disappears without warning and his LSM score says he appears Feb 1942 as Spotter in Camperdown.

    ALL of Swift’s historic events – dates of football matches will likely be 100% accurate – unless he time shifts for secrecy. I believe he swaps his birthday with Dorothy so he is thinking about it a lot.

    Just waiting to find the one lead.. like whether he signed as a witness at a wedding as Carl/Charles Webb.


    June 2, 2024
  4. No. 1 #

    We’re done with that meaningless tripe


    June 2, 2024
  5. What’s your position No.1? And your we ain’t me.


    June 2, 2024
  6. No. 1 #

    DM’s posts don’t make sense to me


    June 2, 2024
  7. Clive #

    Titular head of ASIO looks like the actor Gordon Jackson and “George Clooney” is holding a Christmas present? Nothing to sniff at I take it.


    June 2, 2024

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