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Awaiting developments 1

I’ve been touch with both the Adelaide Advertiser and SA Courts today and very courteously asked them (via email) if they have any information regarding on what looks like an unexpected delay in the release of the SA Coroner’s findings in the Somerton Body Case – remembering SAPOL’s Media Office told me on December 1 that all the work had been done and the final report was to be made available to the Coroner in ‘early 2024’. That time has long been passed.

Perhaps SAPOL have yet to deliver their various reports to the Coroner, or if they have done so then SA State Coroner David Whittle may have reason to hold back publication of his findings for a while. This though seems unlikely as Whittle has at times criticised the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions for their many delays in providing evidence and which resulted in repeated adjournments.

David Whittle pictured.

11 Comments Post a comment
  1. No One - Don't hold your breath #

    I’m pretty sure they are never going to let the cat out of the bag on this one. It’s too big.


    April 8, 2024
  2. John Sanders #

    David Whittle eh. Ears look dead to rights SM and no probs about his age stayure and tidy well fitting suit; but mate the hair style and colour sucks. It could do with a professional Stuart Webb style photo make over to fool the CM & BS/TS experts imdo.


    April 8, 2024
  3. Just as an aside, I’m happy to report that today I welcomed my number fifteen million visitor and have fielded over 30,000,000 comments .. chomp on that GC. You braggart you.

    Seriously though, the best indicator of a website’s visitor count is the number of comments they leave behind, and in old GC’s case and after eliminating the numbers per post he makes himself, my estimate is that he enjoys about six views a day and all from anonymous..


    April 8, 2024
    • AL Shapiro #



      April 9, 2024
  4. john sanders #

    And of course we know who anonymoux be. Yep Mr. fAlter Ego himsel, right on!


    April 8, 2024
  5. No One - risky business for them #

    They’re in a bind

    If they try to get away with saying it’s Carl Webb and lo and behold someone is waiting with evidence as to who SM really is..

    The Police Commissioner is sacked for dishonesty and the Coroner and the Attorney are sacked, and the Governor has to sack the Premier

    It’s an election, and Labor is wiped out for dishonest government


    April 8, 2024
  6. Guzz Rating #

    I’ve made similar comments previously as No One’s above.

    …that the massive delay since the exhuming of the corpse is due to the fact they’ve been WAITING to see if one of our super-sleuths will come up with cast iron evidence that the corpse can not possibly be Carl Webb.

    When they believe they are in the clear to lie…that’s when they’ll pass off the corpse as being Webb.

    I can’t think of any other coherent reason for them to keep hanging back on this.


    April 9, 2024
  7. John Sanders #

    Having witnessed the exhumation going down on Chanel Seven and heard commentary thereupon apropos excavation of earth and sludge, I’d hazard an assumption and say Des Hee Haw and the team got F….Hall..apart from maybe a plastic? toe tag and one dead marine from just below the surface (Southwark).


    April 9, 2024
  8. You know what beats me? Why aren’t folks clicking up on the Coroner’s site? I mean when the news breaks that’s where it will be found …

    Sanders, you are a man with a delightful understanding of the vagaries of human nature, being a mature student of such. Any ideas?


    April 9, 2024
  9. john sanders #

    I have a feeling Peteb that it may be lucky to reach the coroner, especially if Safcol (fish out of water) have nothing more to put up than what they offered for consideration on the two earlier outings. Supporting forensic evidence eg., body ID confirmation, cause of death and who or what done it would be nice if they could get it.


    April 9, 2024
  10. But why is it so curious that so few of those who visit this impoverished site, according to the master, Gordon Cramer appear to be waiting for someone other than the Coroner to deliver the news we have been waiting for so many years?

    A man wonders why …


    April 9, 2024

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