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It is now officially no longer ‘early 2024’

A representative of SAPOL’ s Media and Public Engagements Section (123) informed yours truly on December 1 that the recently completed DNA analysis together with the final reports submitted by AFP and FSSA would be made available to the State Coroner in early 2024.

It is now officially no longer early 2024 and given the intense interest in the Somerton Body Case both here and internationally a man might wonder if there are a few surprises in store.

AFP Australian Federal Police

FSSA Forensic Science SA

5 Comments Post a comment
  1. No One - who tells it like it is #

    I doubt if you will ever see one

    Fob offs are the Government of South Australia’s style at all levels including police and courts. They are always on the back foot on the media trying to defend what they have done. If you are an honest government and have done the right thing you don’t need to do that. The public service in Adelaide has a culture of dishonesty and being underhand.

    Good luck getting an honest finding by the court


    April 2, 2024
  2. Clive #

    The word ‘obfuscate’ comes to mind, the SA Government have got it down to a fine art. Mind you, they’ve had years of practice. What does it take to do DNA tests?; 3 years, 10 years? Perhaps, behind the scenes there are those individuals who want to be truthful and open in their findings, while other individuals want to delay any results, in the hope that “Joe Public” loses interest.


    April 2, 2024
  3. Clive, does the SA coroner publish his rulings like Cleland did in ‘49?


    April 2, 2024
  4. No One - Coroner's findings #

    make of it what you will

    dig down


    April 2, 2024

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