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Soon everyone will be happy .. right?

Once Forensic SA confirms Webb was the Somerton Man we should then be in a position to clear up the few outstanding items remaining about the case, the minor details, how hard could it be, after all he was a just a middle-aged tradesman who was a little suspect in the marriage stakes, somewhat moody at the dinner table, prone to indulging in mind-altering substances, occasionally suicidal and fond of a punt. What’s not to like about the bloke? Walk into the public bar of any pub in the country and you’ll find plenty just like him.

No wonder the suits weren’t too bothered to check if his fingerprints were on anything in the suitcase, cared little that the tickets found in his pocket led directly back to the train station, thought it unnecessary to photograph the ROK, said they lost it in fact but hey, do we care? They didn’t.
And good old Coroner Cleland, no he didn’t die on the beach said he in 1949 flipped ten years later to yes he did die on the beach. Anyone have a problem with that? Coroners are infallible, right?

Then there’s the code.

Here we have a cop shop and Coroner’s Court manned by a motley crew of individuals who like many of us don’t want their working days complicated by long-standing matters requiring intense personal attention. Overtime after all is the enemy of the man who likes a few drinks after work, a wager with the local bookie and a hot dinner at a reasonable time.
So what to do with this particular dead man?
You  punt the job onto someone else, like that new National Security mob the toffs are putting together in Canberra, let them deal with it, but to do that you have to give them something attractive, something enticing, irresistible.

Like a mysterious code.

That should do it, you reckon? Just use a little imagination and Bob’s your uncle.

Anyone got a pencil?

6 Comments Post a comment
  1. No One #

    Somerton man was an impostor
    involved in espionage

    but Carl Webb will do
    for now…


    January 3, 2024
  2. Guzz Rating #

    My theory (conspiratorial as usual) as to why it took so long for the authorities to publish DNA that they were waiting to see if any of the super-sleuths within our group and all the others…could come up with any evidence that ABSOLUTELY could prove that Charlie Webb wasn’t the man found dead on the beach. If we did…then they’d have to quickly come up with a 2023″Plan C”.
    (Plan B was swiftly put into effect back when that pesky piece of paper in SM’s pocket led to Harkness being put in the frame and they needed another body to muddy the waters.)

    Two and a half years down the line, despite best efforts, nobody has come out with a KO blow to prove there was a body swap.
    Pointing out that the SM looked bugger all like the only picture we have of Webb was never going to be enough

    I’m reminded of the late, great Bernard Manning…

    “Last weekend in Morecambe, I came second in an Elvis Presley lookalike contest….I just got pipped by a Kalahari Desert goat herder.


    January 4, 2024
  3. No One #

    Those who put this lot together were not dumb arses
    The whole thing was driven by intelligence sources
    The higher authority than the police that she alluded to
    and I’m pretty sure there were some ex-military bods
    later working in civvy street who still maintained their code
    I can’t see any government admitting to it
    So, I’m pretty sure the announcement will be Carl Webb
    All over, red rover


    January 8, 2024
    • Gerald Gerard James #

      It’s easier for them to say it was Carl. It’s harder for them to convince us it’s Carl, Over and out.


      January 16, 2024
      • John sanders #

        Ain’t any of our FB lady colleagues gonna be happy til Dorothy gets found dead or alive. Reckon the best way to achieve that end is by identifying her pals from childhood and putting them through the traps.
        Seems the gals are starting to make headway with some exceptionally hot gossip from NAA files on stuff like military suitabilty aspects on woman’s health, service efficiency, even longevity in one case where a pension was applied for. Something similar would be deemed akin to the holy grail. if only we could catch one alive and get her to spill the beans on her knowledge of our gal Doff.


        January 19, 2024
  4. John Sanders #

    Lady? over there needs to know why they call her Doff as in get em off Doff. Gotta be thucking joking or else fick as free bricks!


    January 20, 2024

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