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2024 .. The Big One.

Early in 2024 we will finally learn if Abbott and Fitzpatrick were on the money with their identification of the Somerton Man as being Carl Webb. If that proves to be the case I’m betting first off the rank in the chest-beating stakes will be the professor, closely followed by his FB followers including the lady who commented how surprised she was at the unmarked and highly varnished state of the coffin being carried out of the cemetery (pic) – how remarkable she thought that after decades in the earth it still looked good as new.

The thought of an Abbott victory irks.

Then there are the rest of the runners.

Gerry Feltus for one, a man who has never been comfortable with a professor of engineering being in the race to ID SM – being an unsolved police matter of some longevity. He once called Abbott a pest and Abbott is down as saying ‘Feltus hates my guts.’

There’s a club for that and I’m a provisional member.

Gordon Cramer for another. This fellow has strived mightily to prove what we think we know is wrong.  There’s been some bastardry afoot thinks GC, some unspeakable lurkers who have been a little slippery in their handling of hair, evidence and dead bodies. My betting is if SM is proved to be Webb the highly adaptable Cramer will quickly open a new front and it will be business as usual. This is something to look forward to.

Nick Pelling, though well trained and with good bloodlines has not performed well lately and seems to have given up the competition in favour of more inconsequential matters, like burrowing in hereditary rabbit holes. This is not a good look for a racing thoroughbred.

Then there is the rest of the field; Sanders, Clive, dude, lurker, loneranger, guzzrating, shabs, Boris, no-one .. a motley group of racers only good for an each-way bet. Though I’m thinking their collective response will joyfully deafening  if Abbott and Fitzpatrick are proved WRONG !!!!

15 Comments Post a comment
  1. No One #

    They may well have worked out
    that if they say it is Carl Webb
    even though it isn’t

    who can come forward
    and prove otherwise

    in which case all the trails to espionage
    and government involvement and cover up
    will be erased

    rather convenient


    December 31, 2023
    • Clive #

      Assuming that an announcement will be made “early” in 2024-what’s the betting that some hiccup will delay the proceedings?


      December 31, 2023
  2. John Sanders #

    My take on things, should Abbott & Fitzpatrick get the prize be in that Pelling, a resolute supporter of Carl Webb from the start, will claim his agreed share of the prize through; having stuck to the plot in nuturing FB secondments to CM and staying well clear of the action himself. There will also be space for Dud 47 amongst the chest beaters based on early rejection of auto thief Keane as his candidate.


    December 31, 2023
  3. Odds against?


    December 31, 2023
  4. In that Mr. Cramer was asked to submit a brief of evidence for Sapol pending S.A.Coroner’s reconvening of the death inquest,; Odds must surely be in favour of SM being identified with Pavil Fedosimov or first pick Kirill Novikov, the other red with glasses. I’ll be plugging for Nick’s car thief Tom Kean just to nark the Dud!


    December 31, 2023
    • Al Yankovic #

      Pavel is more likely since he dissapeared in thin air, I just can’t wait what they are going to say when it doesn’t turn out to be Carl W. It’s going to be a crap storm.


      January 1, 2024
  5. No One #

    You can bet London to a brick
    it’s not Carl Webb
    because he wasn’t a spy

    All the evidence says espionage


    December 31, 2023
  6. Jo #

    I’m taking a punt on Carl Webb, although having travelled from South Yarra to Glenelg on Boxing Day I’m thinking that there is a hell of a lot in between! I’m currently in WA, not far from Cottesloe and am wondering if there was a connection between Geoff Lockyer & Prosper T, both having a history in the garage business… I’m still taking a wild Punt on the ROK coming into the story via someone with a JC Williamson connection. Anyway, enough of the speculation! The Indian Ocean is beautiful right now!


    January 2, 2024
    • Jo, there is something seriously weird about the code given its construction and the absence of any images of the ROK. Plus I would love to know if any of the other pics in the Webb photo album were tagged, but to construct such a fantastic conspiracy was surely beyond the times .. so it must just be me.
      Excuse me now because I’m sure someone is perched in a tree outside my window and is photographing everything I’m writing.


      January 2, 2024
  7. John Sanders #

    Jo & Peteb: here I be way up top of my ever diminishing jungle overlook, nursing a touch of gout, dosed up with some in OK medications, acompanied by an ill tempered half feral felion and knocking down a couple of dollar 500 buds (couple of smokes). Waiting for something good to happen on CM (not likely) before tea and watching the world go by. I’m loving it.


    January 2, 2024
  8. No One #

    When you know the code
    you’ve cracked the case
    and I’d say Pete knows the code


    January 3, 2024
  9. Clive #

    Regarding the Code, the problem is, that we don’t know what the original Code page looked like b4 the ‘authorities’ got to work on it.


    January 5, 2024
    • Not only that, we have DS Leane and his intrepid band of investigators allegedly with The ROK in their very hands yet they felt it was unnecessary to photograph the book or the publisher’s details … and any possible inscription, discounting the possibility someone may have connected Webb (?) with it.


      January 5, 2024
  10. Clive #

    You would have thought, at the very least, that DS Leane and his team would have taken photos of the Code, ‘as found’ before handing it over to the Naval authorities. That’s assuming, of course, that no one else was was in the room.


    January 6, 2024
  11. Now here’s the thing … We all know that Leane’s mob didn’t have any idea as to what the code represented yet they decided that the ROK it was written on was itself not important to the investigation. So when they sent a photo of the marked up code to Naval Intelligence they accompanied it with a ‘similar’ copy of the ROK.
    Ask Gordon Cramer if that makes any sense, he’s the spycatcher around here.


    January 6, 2024

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